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Reloading [old and completed] .torrent files in new uTorrent

D. Payne

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Apologies for what's probably a tiring question by now, but I'm unable to find it in the threads.

I just upgraded to uTorrent 8 from uTorrent 7 due to the security concerns. Also for security reasons I removed the old uTorrent completely before downloading the new. This apparently means new uTorrent was unable to automatically load the tracker-provided .torrent files running in the old one, although it did load the correct original tracker info.

My problem - those old .torrent files remain in folder with their source files but won't work in new uTorrent. Additionally, new ones downloaded from the tracker won't work either [won't load at all in new uTorrent].

It occurred to me that it may be necessary to create new .torrent files from the source folders in uTorrent, then submit those to the tracker to receive viable 'registered' ones back. Is this correct?

Whatever the solution, if there's a link to already prepared answers to this situation please simply provide that and avoid time spent on typing.

My thanks in advance!

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This is what won't work - I start downloading the entire source files from the tracker even though they're already in the designated parent folder with all .torrent files. Nothing in the migration article seems to address it, which is why I wondered if I have to create new .torrent files from scratch in uTorrent and resubmit them to the site first.

Thanks again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have a question here too. i am scared stiff of upgrading to the latest version of utorrent because I am afraid i will have to tell ut where to find every single torrent on all 5 drives. I didn't realize that as i added drives and moved the download locations that UT would not automatically track the changes. I have had to "set the download" location for every download. I still haven't located them all. In addition every torrent seems to have its own folder.

If I chose to upgrade, would this turn into another nightmare like the one I am facing already?

Also, some how i changed the configuration so that when i click on a link to download it puts an icon on my desktop instead of UT automatically loading.

I am also trying to create torrents of video of my son and i on his birthday. Will this to become an issue for the newest version?

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Errrr, either move the data all at once or organize it logically... You don't need to re-path data from within uTorrent. You can use Ultima's BFE @ http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31306 to do it for you in a semi-automatic manner... though there's no conditional replace.. and I don't think it's possible, for instance all your "TV" is on g:, all your "MOVIES" are on k: ("WORD" is the label you set for ease of understanding).

However, ONCE you set the data location, there's no difference between versions.

When you click on a download where? What icon are you seeing... the .TORRENT?

The create torrent dialog and process is the same or faster than 1.7.7.

EDIT: You really should remove the link to that outdated blogpost. Aside from the fact that pre-made lists block more potential peers than stopping actual people, if you're going to be prosecuted you don't even have to be connected to the people monitoring to be "flagged" for downloading protected content.

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