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Automaticly locate torrent-files.


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Ok, before you judge me by telling me that I can make backup of the files in %appdata%\uTorrent, I can tell you that I had a systemcrash that made me loose all information within µTorrent.

For some reason, all .torrent-files where to be found in the folder, but I don't want to add the files one-by-one for more seeding.

The only thing I am hoping for is that I can, someway or another, add two or more torrent-files into a little tool that can locate where the files are. I don't care if it would take time, I'm just a little tired of adding them one-by-one.

The possibilities could be to relocate and add all files in %appdata%\uTorrent for further seed, and maybe locate a bunch of files you got stored in another folder after a systemcrash like mine.

I know that µT want's to stay minimalistic, but won't there be a way to make a tool that could do this out-of-the-box?

I mean, if µT uses a file for what torrent to use towards a preselected file or folder, the file could be opened with this little tool and be fixed with the new files you want to add. Like closing µT for a short ammount of time while checking the torrent-files you've added, then you select what you want to do with the located files and then close the tool for re-opening µT again.

Hope this could be discussed a bit before you do something about it -- because I know I'm not the only one that could need this feature.

- Yours sincerely dosky.

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I think it is possible.

The tool would checksum/hash/... on a download folder and then match the hashes to torrents. This would even work if the files had been spread across many directories.

Not sure this should be a uTorrent feature but would be more suited as a separate utility.

I need a way to re-add all of my torrents whenever I do a windows reinstall (backup my AppData uTorrent folder?) or like now when I'm trying to switch from Azureus

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µTorrent could "tag" using alternate data streams downloaded files with the source torrent information. Using ADS would only work NTFS volumes (and therefore on >nt4, not 9x), and would probably be a lot of effort.

Although there are probably some other more useful features that could be using the same infrastructure.

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You could just check the second piece of each file to find a match? Smaller files maybe are less important because they are always the easiest to get again? Then after starting the torrent it could be verified. I can't believe this wouldn't be possible. I've looked into the torrent file format a little but I'm no expert. (Yet...)

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