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Change to download location not saved v.1.8


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I am using version 1.8 Stable. After creating a new partition my drive letter assignment changed. So I went into uTorrent>Options>Preferences>Directories and changed the drive assignment accordingly.

However, I was puzzled to see that I was getting "not enough disk space" errors. After poking around for a little while, I discovered that the data was being saved on the drive that took over the letter assignment even though preferences show it should be going to the new drive letter.

If this sounds confusing let me restate: I was saving data to "h:\torrent downloads". I created a new partition and drive H: was now assigned as drive D:, and drive E: was now drive H:. So I changed the preferences to "D:\Torrent Download"... clicked apply... closed uTorrent... rebooted. However, even though the data path showed correctly in uTorrent, it was still in fact saving to drive H:.... So it would appear that the change was not being saved correctly by uTorrent.

Naturally, I have corrected the problem using Acronis Disk Director and reassigned drive letters so that the original drive H: is drive H: once again. However, I thought I should post this in case others may run into the same problem.

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