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µTorrent keeps crashing


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Hi there!

Should say that I used to use Azureus. Then I had problems (not related, er, I think). Did a complete format of drive and new (clean) install. Installed Azureus again but it said there was an update. It seems that it was a complete revamp 'cos it's now called 'Vuze'. Well, had some brain/program missunderstandings (why such a radical change?) and uninstalled it. Then downloaded µTorrent but now find that once started (run) after what seems to be a set amount of time (roughly the same each time) the whole computer crashes! I used to leave the computer on overnight downloading, but now when it reboots it only gets to the MS Login (oh yes, that's my choice) and as I'm asleep I only find out in the morning that it's hardly downloaded a thing!

Any suggestions?

Any requests for further computer details may need to add a quick 'how to' as well if too deep, but basic info request can be found (I hope!) :D


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That worked! Means not a lot to me, but here are the BSOD details (er, minus the 'blerb'.... "Just the details, Ma'am!")

STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000038, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xB7A31AB6)

NVTcp.sys - Address B7A31AB6 base at B7A2F000, Datestamp 4253b85b

Well if only I'd known that in the first place! Me thinks that's some sort of compiler code(?), base 8(?), of which just writting webpage codeing is a major thing for me! Guess it's also saying something about the NVTcp.sys file, and as it's a .sys file it's important(?)! Sorry, just read the 'Bluffers Guide to Computers!'

This is SOOO far above my head. ANY help would be appreciated!

Moley :D

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Ok! Checking for latest drivers at this moment. However, when you say "don't install the forceware network access manager (known as the nvidia firewall)" do you mean the entire 'forceware network access manager' or just the 'nvidia firewall'? I have all 'features' of 'fnam' loaded, but NOT the firewall! I seem to remember a while ago being told not to load that, not sure why now. So should I just uninstall all of the 'fnam', or as the firewall is not installed is that ok?


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