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Average number of seeders??


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? Go through the http://utorrent.com/guides.php page. Be sure your setup is correct for your connection. Don't run too many torrents at once, so start by running a speed test and set the Ctrl-G Speed Guide TO YOUR UPLOAD average for your connection.

If you are unsure whether your ISP is known for being anti-p2p, search for it on this forum or mention it below along with the information from the troubleshooting guide http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992

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I have tried all settings....the thing is..my upload always has the max speed...when i go from 10 till 20...30..it follows..but i simple get not enough seeders. All trackers seems to work and all speedtests ok max...i have a 512kb line and a laptop. I started the film war yesterday..new on piratebay (FXG) 4000 seeders and 4000 peers..but only 1 or 2 are feeding me...I am lost...i had the old version and then all were green and max...do you need some screenprints??

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You may have 256 kilobits/second upload speed, but I doubt you have any higher than that.

So try 256 kilobits/second upload settings in the 2nd link in my signature.

You may also want to disable DHT in uTorrent to free up a little more bandwidth for downloading+uploading.

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Download speed DEPENDS on upload speed. If your upload speed max is set too high in uTorrent, you may be lucky to download faster than 30 KiloBYTES/second...even though your connection should be capable of at least a little over 50 KiloBYTES/second.

...And if your upload speed is set too low, other peers will ignore you and not upload back to you.

So not caring about upload speed is another way of saying you don't care about downloading quickly.

Try the test torrents thelittlefire suggested. They should download fast without you having to upload much or quickly, since they have many EXTREMELY fast seeds.

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Tnx..all these things are working fine..high dowload speeds when i downloaded the above mentioned links...still...ports are open..but the light is still yellow going to red. Sometimes when i have enough seeders the speed is download speed is perfect (55kb/s) which is max i believe for a 512 connection. And i have never managed to get more then 15 seeders...what also strange is that almost none seedsers are from europe..remark..port is open..i took a 55000 number and put this also in firewall exeptions windows.both tcp as ucp...but i kept the windows firewall..port test still says port is closed.

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