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uTorrent v1.8 not creating new folders


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Whenever I try putting something in my 'Music' folder, which has...2,271 folders, utorrent won't create a new folder and instead, puts all the files in '/Music' instead of '/music/foldername'.

So, I'm just adding a multitude of single files to an already cluttered folder, instead of adding a folder to the clutter.

Running Vista and utorrent 1.8 stable.

Any insight or extra questions will be awesome!

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... When you tell it to save, are you sure 1) it's a single-tier folder structure? 2) Windows lets individual folders get that cluttered?

Personally I'd check out Process Monitor (procmon) from http://sysinternals.com and then capture a log with utorrent.exe running (Ctrl-E) when you set that up. I'm betting windows is throwing SOME_ERROR ... :/

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So windows will let you make a folder? That event list would certainly help. I wouldn't imagine it would be too large to paste here... if you're worried about the events it captures, you can filter events by PID (that's showing in the PID column of Task Manager or in procmon next to the utorrent.exe name)... :/

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Okay, not running any torrents right now, so this might affect it. Can re-list after loading a torrent and while trying to load one in /music if it helps.

Thanks for the help - and Windows does let me add folders to it. The error's unique to uTorrent 1.8 right now.

Edit - forgot my file. Can't find a place to upload so it's going on mediafire right now....


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