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i am a part in lan network and can not control the router


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i am a member in a lan network and i don not control the router configuration.

so always the port test fails for me . always no open ports in my client and speed is slow what can i do to find any opened port in the router or how to overcome the router and open any port i want in it althouh i am not the manager of the network

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If uTorrent's UPNP features don't auto-forward the port for you, you're pretty much screwed...permanently firewalled.

But even firewalled, you should still get decent speeds on busy torrents that have lots of unfirewalled peers+seeds.

Teredo support in v1.8 should help...it bridges IPv4 to IPv6 so you can connect to other peers+seeds that way.

2nd link in my signature (and to a much lesser degree the 1st) for configuring uTorrent to get the most out of what bandwidth you CAN get.

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