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I am afraid


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Hello fellow torrent users,

I just started using this wonderful service and I am afraid I am getting addicted. I am a music junkie and I can't resist but download every single music torrent I see (exaggeration)

I have heard of people getting busted downloading and getting fines and what not. I know you guys are not responsible for anything like that etc etc etc... I just wanted to get a feel of how usual this happens and what are the consequences? How do they know how much you download? what can I do to bypass it if I can?

Thanks for any info.

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"They" usually know by asking the trackers for IP's - there's nothing to do about that

To avoid getting caught, do not download the most recent stuff, but things that are second or third.. of course there is no guarantee that you won't get caught anyway. (it is said to reduce the risk)

Or move to Europe (except Germany and perhaps the UK), if you do not already live there. "They" generally don't bother to sue you there unless you're someone major (owner of a tracker/indexing site for example)

Generally. "They" are rather irrational and unpredictable, so don't count on it.

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