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100mb fiber network but still low download limits??


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5mb my upload rate and alwways people connect wıth that speed between 450kb and 600kb my upload rate ıs hıgh ı dont understand for example ı transfer 10 hdrıp fılms wıth piratebay tracker avarege leecher aND SEEDER IS LEECHER 10 BETWEEN 40 and seeder ıs 5 bey-tween 15 thıs number ıs good for hıgh download rates or not

maybe ı should change my options ı dont know really what is happened to me?

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Networking software such as software firewalls (Zone Alarm!) crash when too many peers+seeds are connected to you in uTorrent...and "too many" can be less than 100!

So too can networking hardware such as routers...older D-Link and most Belkin routers are particularly BAD in this regard. Belkin routers often can't handle more than 60 connections!

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