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Downloaded file location


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tadaaa !


edit by me:

apparantly the requested funtionality is allready present, so don't

use Your time reading/answering unless Your'e really courius !


First I will excuse for any lack of knowledge about this subject that has allready been posted due to my lazyness not reading/searching of existing posts !

I often have some difficulty in locating the *corresponding* folder i relation to the title seen in the uTorrent download window.


In the DL window I see: "Pictures of the development team"

Thus I cannot expect the file(s) to be located in a folder with the same title, but anything !

Suggestion is to have some functionality i uT that shows the storage folder name !

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If you're talking about some .torrent you finished/are downloading with the name "Pictures of the development team" how about right clicking it and selecting the option "Open containing folder"? Its like.. 100% you'll see a folder or a file with that name at the window that uTorrent opened for you. If you haven't already messed around with it and forgot about it.

That is, if i understood correctly what you meant after reading your post for the 3rd time :|

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