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"error:device not ready"??


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i have been useing uTorrent for quite some time now and have never had a problem with it untill to day, i booted up my pc and went to continue d/ling and there was an error. i have tried everything that i can think of short of formatting my external hd so if anyone can help i would really appreaciate it.

os-vista home premium

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no it didnt. i was d/ling earlier and was able to finish 6 d/ls and then all of a sudden it just started putting that error on it. it wont even let ne put the d/ls on my primary hd

i figured it out for all those that might have this problem make sure that all of your uPnP and usb etc. etc. services (and the services dependencies) are enabled

i kinda feel a little dumb not that i think about it lol

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