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Can uTorrent download a movie once even if its in 2 feeds?


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I'm using RSS feeds to automatically download torrents from 2 users (aXXo and FXG). But many times both users upload the same movie each. My question is: can uTorrent recognize that and so download the torrent only once from one feed and not twice from both feeds?

The torrent names are usualy identical, except the part where they add their usernames.

Can I use filters to do that? or does utorrent do that on its own?

Please show me how to set a filter for that if possible. Many thanks.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm then left with manually deleting the duplicate files when I spot one that started automatically.

But there is a problem: whenever I delete a torrent and all its associated files, a few hours later it gets automatically downloaded again!

How can I tell utorrent never to download specific torrents from a feed

I thought that utorrent would understand, when I delete a torrent and its files, that it would stop auto downloading it again.

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If it's in the history it's not supposed to get downloaded again.. problem is you're NOT downloading it in the history are you?

A list of "rejected" downloads or some implementation of making this easier has been requested before, heh.. and this situation is another example of a shortcoming in the rss section. I can't think of any alternative to manual for your situation.

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