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Red icons in utorrent

[I, Kroll]

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Sorrry for my poor English!

The problem are:

I updated utorrent to 1.8 (from 1.7.7) and then all torrents became red. Tracker Status bacame "offline (timed out)". Speed was normal, but for trackers i wasn't exist. And my ratio wasn't allowed. then i deinstall 1.8 and install 1.7.7, but problem was continue. I returned to OS beckup (XP, SP3) and start using 1.7.2 - all was great. it worked. Icons was green, tracker status was "working" :)

Tooday I regret to return to OS beckup again (utorrent wasn't reason to do this, i had another trouble), and all icons became red again! I using 1.7.2 and 1.7.7....

I haven't antivirus (right now - haven't :)), firewall isn't blocking utorrent. Network status - "OK".

What should I do?

I hope, you understand me :)


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Whoever told you to set uTorrent's net.max_halfopen to 500 (and I quote) IS AN IDIOT!

Such a value will likely crash most networking hardware and software...and even if it doesn't, it will use a huge amount of bandwidth by attempting to make 500 new connections at a time.

I've seen YouTube videos suggesting that, and quite frankly we can only hope FEW people take them seriously or ISPs will be banning uTorrent/BitTorrent forever. :(

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I've seen YouTube videos suggesting that, and quite frankly we can only hope FEW people take them seriously or ISPs will be banning uTorrent/BitTorrent forever.


DreadWingKnight, THANK YOU!!!! value 4 - it was a great cure for my trouble! Many thanks to you!

Switeck, yes, i know it now (about idiot))) and I'm idiot too - cause I did this :)

And a little question: huge value retarded my internet serfing? With working utorrent my internet serfing was very slowly...

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