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Bug w/ uTorrent 1.8.1 Beta


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Last night I downloaded the new beta but since then my Ut has been crashing. My last crash was caused by clicking on the Network OK symbol. Also it takes like forever to load the application, since this upgrade. I have also had 2 occasions where Ut has freezed on me. Enclosed is some files to help you sort out the problem. Thanks in advance.



CPU Log:


Hijack Log:



Your symantec is injected into uTorrent.exe

Turn that function off which injected that "Symantec library" DLL file.. or possibly use start > run >services.msc to turn all the symantec functions off if you don't know which one. See if the crashing still happens :/ I don't know what they do with the .DMP files but someone should be able to look at it for you soon.


A file is allocated the moment a single byte has to be written when you have preallocate off, so it won't take more than a minute or two after starting a torrent before it'll have started allocating files.


shirohamada--you probably have your hard drive formatted as FAT32. You need to convert it to NTSF to get past the FAT32 8gb limit. Search Help for your OS and there should be a command line conversion tool that will let you change this without data loss.


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