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Read old posts, no NAT, speed still slow


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I've read a bunch of older posts including the "mini-guide" (although I didn't find it mini), but I still get very slow speeds.

I have a Westell 2200 Router and my ISP is verizon. I have a 864 KBits/Sec dl by 160 KBits/Sec ul connection and use Windows sp2 with the built-in firewall disabled. I also get the network ok...

Here are my settings:

-12 kB/s ul limit

-no dl limit

-200 Global max connections

-80 max connections per torrent

-1 Upload slot

However the highest I ever got was 48kb/s and I ussually get around 30kb/s

Why are my speeds so slow?

Thanks in advance.

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Try the Speed Wizard in the latest beta... might help you get a better configuration (honestly, 200 global connections seems to high for your speeds).

Something around 90 max global and maybe 50 per torrent is more like it (give or take a few for each one).

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Here are my settings:

-12 kB/s ul limit

However the highest I ever got was 48kb/s and I ussually get around 30kb/s

Why are my speeds so slow?

Your speeds may be slow because your upload is slow. Your connection is COMPETING with other, faster connections for upload bandwidth from one another...and yours simply has less to give in return compared to them.

For what it's worth, you're getting over 2x back what you're giving. That's more than I can say I typically get even though I upload at ~36 KB/sec!

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