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How to avoid this message?


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When I add a torrent from the command line and if I had already added it but deleted it or if it is currenly added then I will get a pop up saying its there and when I had deleted it it says that it had downloaded a bit and would like to know what to do next.

How do I avoid these pop-ups from coming?

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I have had problems with imageshack before so I will just tell you what is ticked:

[P.S: It does not show up since the "show dialog boxes" are unchecked but when I activate the utorrent window it shows up]


Confirm When Deleting Torrents

Confirm When Deleting Trackers

Minimize to Tray

Close to Tray


[All] C:\Program Files\uTorrent

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Well I'll see what I can come up with on those settings with using /DIRECTORY ;)

Those are the ONLY things which are ticked/enabled? Directories needs some more information, I assume you store downloads there... but if it's the same there's no reason to enable "move when completed" and you shouldn't have auto-load and torrent storage set to the same location. Similarly since you don't have a different completed/incomplete directory the torrent completed directory should not be the same. (Just for verification, heh... I remember the "what would you like to do with this existing data" dialog previously only once when I disabled the show window dialog... since I normally keep it enabled. I'll see if the auto-adding of trackers will be bypassed somehow and get back to you here.

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