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Internet acess problem


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I installed WebUI, and it works fine. My uTorrent port is 59593, works. Port forwarded on router to my PC (IP=

But I can't acess WebUI from my work! At the same time if I run telnet My_Real_Ip 59593 I can connect to the port, also on my home PC's firewall I can see incoming (accepted) connection, but in browser I get error 404. It seems like connection been established and broken immidiatly.

WebUI version is 0.361, uTorrent is 1.8.1 beta build 11903

What can be wrong?

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Most software firewalls other than the windows firewall CAN'T simply be "turned off" because of the low-level hooks they make (kernel-mode software), so to truly test... try uninstalling it temporarily.

Can you try connecting from home to http://YOUR_EXTERNAL_IP:PORT/gui/ like you would at work? Some routers don't allow you to do this, but if it's forwarded right... it should work. This would verify it's something at your worksite.

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Yes, I know that about firewalls, but here's what's the point. I tried to make redirection for VNC to connect to my PC from work, so I did redirection for VNC port on my router and now it works. For uTorrent I made the same thing, and it accepts incoming connections. It seems like the problem is not in firewall rules (as it says connection from my work to my PC's uTorrent port was sucessful). Maybe I disabled some services and it doesn't work? Or maybe some uTorrent settings should be checked?


OK! So I set up stunnel as it says here: http://www.utorrent.com/webui-guide.php

Now connection's working! Any ideas what's wrong with direct connection?

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