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How do you use Utorrent on 2 computers on the same network?


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I've been using Utorrent for a while now and its running great,no port or speed issues.Now I also want to use it on my laptop,do I have to go through the whole process of port-forwarding and open up a different port for the laptop, or can I just use the port already assigned to Utorrent on my router?

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I went through the port-forward process and opened up port 6113 (the pc is port 6112). instead of calling it utor1 I called it utor2 in the router settings. I just tried the port tester on utorrent and its saying the port is still closed.Now utorrent is running on the pc upstairs, would that have made a difference?

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Yeah I have the same problem, thx for this post.

I would like to configure in the same way: my laptop is connected in Wifi and sometimes in ethernet (cable between the computer & the router) but my local IP changes: (Wifi connection) (ethernet connection).

Do you know if I can forward TWO PORTS on the SAME MACHINE ?

with 2 rules in router:

*rule 1: utor1 / / TCP&UDP / #50001 (port)

*rule 2: utor2 / / TCP&UDP / #50002 (port)

Anyway it will be the same machine (IP depending on connection type).

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Thx for replying, I was not sure about this response but I thought the same thing like you. :)

Finally I should need to edit uT OR my router options each time I switch the connection :/

1/ Fixed port number in uT & in router -> editing local IP in one router rule (TCP/UDP)

2/ 2 forwarded ports in router with 2 local IP -> editing port number in uT.

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