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Multi-user Webui-Shell

Lord Alderaan

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Btw you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled in your php.ini this is gonna result in problems. Highly recommended to turn it off.

Because before every ', " and \ in a form text field (think adding labels, changing settings and the username/password/torrentdir/action fields in the admin panel) a \ is added.

For example if you try to name a user Jim's Computer he will be saved as Jim\'s Computer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm working on 0.5 of the Webui Shell. Progress:


* Sometimes added torrents don't get assigned to the user.

* Sometimes the webui doesn't update the list of torrents properly.

* The HTTP auth and IP login didn't work properly. -=FIXED=-


Direct download

Using HTTP -=DONE=-

Using FTP -=requires FTP server, idea discarded=-

Add to interface

Awaiting Suggestions


Max # of torrents

Max combined torrentsize


Replace text with variables

Use webui language files if possible

Admin panel

Revamp the Admin panel

Add description of options


The problem you have is probably related to the first bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

myp2pcafe FTP has a lot off issues.

Either the webuishell has to be a forwarder for it, which means the webui has to login to index the files, compare that to the users torrentlist, then only offer links to the files it is allowed to download, then when someone clicks that link download the file and then offer it to the user.

Or the webuishell provides direct ftp links, but then it'd need a way to know where files are located on the ftp and this varies widely for people who already have ftp stuff, it won't be able to filter downloads based on the torrent list (well I could but with a single username and password the users can get to all files anyways), and it is just as easy for admins to hand out the ftp login info to its users which saves me a few days of coding :)

imho it's too complicated (I have to program for a very broad set of requirements people might have) and the advantages are simply not worth the (my :P) trouble.

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hmm ic :) how did u overcome the 4gb filesize issue, i tried to use a few php + apache based http download system and all of them has issue to download file size over 4gb and i couldnt use a download manager with multiple connection to do it @_@

hope u have overcome this problems i faced over the years

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Yes I did.

If the filesize cannot be determined it is left unknown in the header.

The data itself is send using a fread loop. Simplified:

while (feof($file) == false) {

echo fread( $file, 2024 );



Although idd 4GB+ files don't have resume support (which is needed for multiple connection file download).

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hmm, after a server change and a new installation of the shell, every torrent I try and add comes up with 'Not a valid Torrent File' which means I can't add any torrents :S however adding them through the normal webUI works fine.

Any suggestions as to why would be greatly helpful (especially if I have missed something - which I don't think I have)

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seems that the shell uploads to the settings dir, which has full write perms however the temp.torrent it creates is only 5 bytes and not some KB so its not retrieving it properly, and hence when it imports it into utorrent it's invalid - don't understand why that is the case :S

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I been trying for about 6 hours to get this working but I stil have one problem that I am not geting fix.

I cant add torrents what so ever. If I try I get this

Torrent File = WEBUI: Error <== Seems always doing this.

And query gives this = shell_file=&action=add-file

Torrent URL = Adding this torrent failed. The file could not be retrieved from the url. <== Most of the time but not always

And query gives this = shell_file=&token=clWrR7kjZ7CBnADxvDBaU-98w9KudRYy-KVbfHcPtIuyZkuknVKQsz_si0k=&action=add-url&s=http%3A//isohunt.com/download/51013622/knight+rider.torrent&t=1233907266194

And the torrents that have workt with "URL" stil dont work with "File"

Also if I get a file in utorrent all users can see, delete and change it.

I hope you can help me out I been looking and reading your install guid over and over again, but I dont see the problem.

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I just released 0.4.2 fixing a bug with improper URLs when adding torrents using add-url.

To update download the new package. Extract the webui.php file in the inc/user folder and overwrite the original on your webserver with the new one.

This should fix your problem andrest. Please let me know if it worked.

@splinter98: I just meant that it the webui shell wouldn't generate a file with only uhoh! in it. It can still be a problem the webui shell can solve. Maybe it's doing something wrong with getting the torrent file which only results in problems with certain trackers. I'd need to know if the problem is universal or just with some trackers. And then I'd need to know which tracker, you could mail me (through my profile) the url of the torrent in question and I could investigate when I get the time.

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