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How to fix vista speed limits?


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i recently bought a laptop with vista installed on it and am having only average of 6 kb/s download speed, while my XP desktop has an average of 50 kb/s... is there any chance to increase the speed in vista ?

i even played with"net.max_halfopen" and "net.bind_ip" but no result!

any idea?

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Obviously with as many connections as you have...you DON'T have 512 kilobits/second usable upload speed in uTorrent. You *MIGHT* have 128 kilobits/second...but even that's pushing it by the results I see. Using fewer connections and lower upload slots to 2-3 might allow you to get slightly more download and upload speed.

Setting outgoing encryption to Enabled or FORCED might help if the problem is because your ISP is throttling specifically BitTorrent traffic.

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@DreadWingKnight : i set net.max_halfopen from 8 to 4 because i have vista home premium, and for net.bind_ip i added my pc's IP... but no improvement

@Switeck : are u telling me that i have to set my speed on 128kbits ?

and how can i enable "outgoing encryption" that u mentioned?

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now i'm getting better speeds up to 55KB/s and average of 20KB/s but still not as good as XP, first i enabled outgoing encryption, then manually set the port and added in my comodo firewall, and manually set my upload speed on 13KB/s (100kbits/8)

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