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There was a time I loved Utorrent....


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any help would be appreciated,

I used to get incredible speeds, so good I actually had to upgrade my Rogers service to 10mb just for the added bandwidth cap of 95gb instead of 65gb.

1mb/s was the norm for a heavily seeded torrent, i.e. morning after air 'colbert report' 10000 seeds & 2000 peers.

I am willing to admit I was part of the problem, I was a hit and run leech, my ups were like 15/kb max.

Since 1.8 I've had to make some changes to utorrent, primarily my ups

I have it set now at 100kbs max up with 25 slots,

and with well seeded torrents I can still get decent speeds maxing out around 400kbs down,

My issue is:

that while I am willing to play by the rules, it is frustrating to no end when I look at the peer list and see peers getting way more speed than me.

I want an explanation, I am willing to give unlimited ups, and ensure I seed 1-to-1 ratio, but I want to be able to utilize what I pay for and get back to my old speeds.

Right now I've got a torrent going where I'm u/l at 90kb/s and d/l @ 30/kbs

& there is one peer getting 55kb/s from me, in return I get a paltry 3kb/s....WTF!!!!!

I need help, how do I set up utorrent so that I can again download using my full connection.

oh, and 1.7.7 was able to handle multiple torrents, 1.8.1 not so much...

any help is welcome

and I'm sorry about being a leech before, I promise I have seen the light, please help.


edit: and now some peer using 1.7.7 is getting 400kbs down on this badly seeded torrent and I'm giving him 35kb/s of it, next highest peer is like 120kb/s and then it drops off to where I'm stuck.

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1st and 2nd link in my signature.

1st one is for troubleshooting, and tells you what information you'll need to give us if the problem isn't solved quickly.

2nd link gives suggested settings for uTorrent based on your max sustainable UPLOAD speed.

NOTE: Max sustainable UPLOAD speed is far less than max download speed for most connections.

Make sure your upload speed is REGULARLY sustaining the upload max you told it to use!

...Otherwise, you may have it set too high.

Bad settings may work ok with many torrents...then cause all kinds of problems on very busy torrents.

You may want to use lower settings than your connection can handle because it is shared with others or due to monthly bandwidth quotas.

Encryption on outgoing connections needs to be set to Enabled or FORCED, because you're on Rogers Cable ISP in Canada. (3rd link in my signature)

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