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upnp WAN address


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Hi Folks,

My network has a few routers between my computer and the device which holds the public IP address. So, when utorrent enters its ports in the router via UPnP (which works just fine), it retrieves an internal address as the WAN address (ie 192.168.x.x). Is this a problem? If so, what should I do about it?

to explain a little more, i have the ISP router, then a voip router, then a wireless router, all in series. Each one is a DMZ for the one above it. utorrent forwards the ports to itself in the wireless router. so the port forwarding works just fine. It's only the WAN address it picks up that I'm not sure about.



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thanks gthk,

i have the network set up this way so I can have my VOIP router implement QOS. ie, i'd rather not have utorrent make my phone calls to my mom choppy! priorities, priorities. ;-) Anyway, if you have any other ideas for network setup, i'm all ears.

yeah, the green light is on, so looks like having an internal WAN address is ok.



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