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My utorrent stopt working!


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Hi! I have a problem, the utorrent don't start the downloads. It have always workt before and then today it stopt. I have been reding some here but nothing of what i reed has helpt me. When i look on the track status on my torents all of them say "hostname not found" on everyone of them. Insted of a blue icon it's red and pointing down. I trid to download a new torrent to see and the same thing hapen to that.

I also reed that the problem coul'd be "net.max_halfopen" is seted on higher then 10 but mine was on 8 like i should be.

please help!

//Fia from sweden!

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But i always had that one and i have't change any seetings...


Thanks. I look on norton and in firewalls it hade blocked everything from utorrent, so it works now. Thank you!

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