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Serious help needed to forward port...no idea what to do next...


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Okay, so I've been trying to open up my ports for a while and no matter what I read or what I do I still can't get some satisfying results.

The basics are the following:

I currently have three computers connected through the Internet using a Linksys WRT54G router, which in turn is connected to a Motorola Surfboard SB5100 Modem. I've read Portforward's guides, and following the instructions I've tried to forward the ports towards the computers' static IP addresses (which I've already configured), but with no results.

I've made a search throughout the forums, trying to figure out any solution, and found out that the problem could possibly be the modem, because of some NAT mumbo-jumbo (sorry, I'm not too much into computers and it's quite difficult for me to understand such things). Anyway, the thread said that if the address was configured to 192.168.100.xxx, then the case was hopeless and that the best solution would be to call my ISP and tell them to disable the DCHP server, or to buy a new cable modem.

Apparently, the address is not exactly 192.168.100.xxx. but instead 192.168.1.xxx. Does those two missing zeros make it a different address? Also, my computer's static IP addresses are configured based on this number, as I think it should properly be. Their addresses are the following:

Also, Utorrent's port checker checks my port (17911 for one of my computers) on, a number that appears in my router only if I configure it to Static IP. The default configuration for my router is DCHP, so it has to be related in some way the above mentioned. Since I usually have troubles with computer stuff, I wouldn't want to fidget with anything that I'm not going to be able to restore later on, and being unable to understand all these terminologies, I decided to leave things as they are and try to seek help with people who know about this stuff (meaning any generous soul who would like to help me outwith this problem).

Of course, no matter what I do, or change, or touch, the port checker always states the my ports are not forwarded. My firewalls are also disabled (Windows and McAfee), so I'm quite sure the problem does not reside in that. Another strange quirk that might be worth mentioning is that there are times, just after starting the computer, when the icon turns green, but after some minutes it goes back to being the accursed yellow triangle.

Frankly speaking, I'm currently at my wits' ends. I have no idea what to do, and no idea if my problem is related to the facts above mentioned. I would appreciate any help, since my incredibly slow download speed is getting on my nerves, and I feel that currently there's nothing else I can do.

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You need to set a static IP outside of the Linksys's DHCP range. They will NOT forward ports unless you do that. You may need to shrink the range of IPs it uses for DHCP first.

That being said, you should replace the firmware on that router. If it's a v3 or older, you can use Tomato. If newer, you can use DD-WRT.

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