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Please Guys Help Me out Here. I will appreciate your help very much!


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Okay this is my problem. My download speed only goes up Max to like 90 k/b. I never even got it to 100 k/b. I read some forums were guys had speed like 200 k/b and 400k/b! THats outrageous! how do you get that speed. I have road runner high speed internet and i only get 90 k/bs. Can anyone tell me what do or what to change on my preferences. I already ported the utorrent port and that helped increase my speed, but it still isnt high enough.

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Roadrunner (Time Warner Cable) internet ONLY allows you MAXIMUM of usually .5 Mbit. Change your Speed Guide (Ctrl-G) settings to xx/512 and see what happens then.

Please check your version as well, what build are you using (press Alt-H-A to find out)... 1.8.1 fixes some problems with high numbers of concurrent connections.

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According to his speedtest, 752k/117k

he is maximizing his internet connection (approx 90kB/sec).

ugene55, does your download cap at 90kB too, when downloading from ftp servers? This seems to be the case and therefore everything is working as intended. You need to call your ISP and upgrade your internet connection plan, if you want more speed.

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you can test the xx/96k or xx/128k settings in the speed guide (ctrl+g). But your connection is limiting you to 90KB.

Remember, you have to divide the speedtest figures by 8 to get the speed in kBytes per second (which is around 90KB).

If you want to download with 400KB/s you need an internet connection of 3200k+, or like the ISP call it "3.5 Mbps" or "3.5 Mbit/s" e.g.

Currently you dont even have 1Mbps...

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