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I will be the first one to admit that at my age I am no longer the sharpest tack in the box, however I still don't get why anyone would want to use a torrent.

I had a file that I wanted to download and when I clicked on it, it said I had to use a torrent to download it. I had never used a torrent and was very leery, so I got sandbox, which I had used before. I installed it and then finally got the file into the torrent and started downloading. After about an hour, I started searching for ways to fine tune the setting to increase the download speed. I finally settled on 9, 3, 30, 35, 1 and that did not help the download speed and neither did any other setting. Shutting off the far wall did no good and nothing else I tried did. It took six days to download that stupid file. On the third day of downloading with the torrent I finally found the file in another place that I downloaded in 6.2 minutes but I let the torrent complete its download out of curiosity. Now can anybody here explained to me what is completely passing over my head, as to why anyone would want to use a torrent under any circumstances.

Please feel free to educate this 73-year-old man.

Thank you

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I wish to thank you DreadWingKnight but I had already been to 2 of those pages plus many more trying to correct the problem. I even went back to 1.6 and tried it.

I do use a P2P program and right now 5 files are being uploaded for I am a firm believer in sharing. The program that I use has a decent download speed and does not choke you to death in the amount of bandwidth it uses for each upload. Plus it has a search. I guess I will just stick to it but good luck on sharing.

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Lol, some torrents are better than others. Torrents are a guaranteed way to get what the sender wants. Though other filesharing methods allow hashes to verify data, bittorrent was created for a way to verify while downloading what you get is what the sender wants as everything must be byte-identical to pass hashcheck.

I understand a reluctance to try something new, especially since it seems you either got stuck with a bad apple or chose something too niche to get a positive experience your first time out. For some history feel free to look at this simple archived page of the inventor's idea for BT http://web.archive.org/web/20040916201943/www.bittorrent.com/introduction.html

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