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i changed torrents location!plz help


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i already tried that way for about 20 files but as i said μtorrent couldn't find them :(

i found THE solution (i have to browse the EXCACTLY location of the file) {if a file has its folder i have to choose its folder and not the whole folder where all my downloads are

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Erm, no, loading everything into a root should work like moogly said, the only thing you might need to do is Force Recheck after adding, but unless you made your own folders not mentioned in the torrent the General tab, Save As should be the same before and after your right click, Advanced, set download location.

That is the difference between the Ctrl-O/Ctrl-D dialogs and "set download location", one adds the pathing from the .TORRENT and the other does not so you must be exact in the CLICK on file/folder you look for.

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Not sure if this is the same thing but I had a problem when I "stopped" downloading and exited utorrent . When I went back to reume an error message said filesmissing so I did a force recheck and everything vanished (all 6.3gb of files!)anyway I have found the files thats the good news all are around 73% but I can't figure out how to get them back into utorrent for completion I don't really want to start downloading again as it takes me absolutely ages with a slow connection like I have . can antone help me please.


Swisslad.PS I'm not too techincal on the utorrent I've tried a few things but to no avail

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Hi Moogly,

Thanks for your answer, but when I clicked the force recheck thats when the all the files disapered (well at least from utorrent gui.but I have found the files in a folder albeit incomplete)The torrent was deleted becuase I THOUGHT I would have to start all over again. I can find the original torrent but do I just strat the download again and then point the torrent to the folder where the imcomplete files are is that what you are saying. sorry to be a bit thick but it would be great if that was correct because i'm so close but so far from completing the files.

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Yep if your files are unfinished, uT can complete them after a forced re-check.

Anyway you can delete the torrent from uT window (just the .torrent not data) and reload it again. When you see the Addition dialog box, specify the right location folder with your uncomplete data.

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Hi Moogly,

Just to say I know it's been a couple of days but I tried following your reply and it didn't work I had already deleted the torrent AND data . Anyway the good news is after days of searching I have found the original torrent , downloaded it which gave me another folder , moved the incomplete files into the same folder did a forced recheck and WALLAH I have

67% on my bar. I had started to download it again from another source but only had 5% after 2 days!. Sorry to go on my friend but what I really want to say is a big THANKYOU for

putting up with me .your help without which, I would not have achived my euphoria tonight! once again thanks a lot for being so helpfull and understanding o a thickie .



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