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Strange problem I'm having...


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Alright, for some time now I've been using uTorrent with no real problems. I've never been able to get my network problem resolved, but it just made for slow downloads and no other real problems (20-50 kB/s is fine with me). Lately, when I turn on uTorrent I get my normal download speed for the first 15-20 minutes, and then my downloads plummet to 0-1 kB/s and my uploads hover around 10 kB/s. I have no idea why this would start just now; I haven't changed anything. I've read that sometimes there are problems with Linksys WRT54G routers, which is what I have. It might have something to do with my network problem, but I've never been able to resolve that. I've tried enabling upnp in uTorrent and my router, tried forwards ports, and nothing seems to work.

Any ideas how to fix this? I'm not too worried about solving the network problem and getting very fast speeds, I just want my regular slow downloads again. Thanks!

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1st and 2nd link in my signature.

1st one is for troubleshooting, and tells you what information you'll need to give us if the problem isn't solved quickly.

2nd link gives suggested settings for uTorrent based on your max sustainable UPLOAD speed.

Bad settings may work ok with many torrents...then cause all kinds of problems on very busy torrents.

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