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I need a Step-By-Step guide on uTorrent


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Hi. I'm extremely computer illeterate and I can't find instructions on how to work the program. I mean I have no idea what i'm doing. It says that my file is downloading by it also says 0kb/s and it's been at 0% for the past 2 hours. Can anyone please help? It would greatly appreciated.

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You don't need a step by step guide to µtorrent because once you understand Bit Torrent then using a client like µtorrent is relatively easy. Maybe an idea to start with a basic Bit Torrent client first before you start using one with bells and whistles on it.

Some light reading for you


If that fails then try this


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● Your network type (Cable, DSL, Dial-Up etc.) and maximum network bandwidth (total download/upload speeds). If you don't know this, there are places that you can go to that will give you a rough approximation;

I have cable and I believe my bandwidth is 107 or something close to that

● The O.S. you're using, and if possible, the firmware version of your network device;

Windows XP

● What type of firewall (hardware/software) you have, if any, and if it's a software firewall, which one (BlackIce, McAfee, Norton, Sygate, ZoneAlarm etc.);

I have McAfee

● Verify that you've portforwarded correctly. I cannot stress how important this is. Many, many headaches can be avoided simply by forwarding the right port (thanks r00ted );

I believe I have portforwarded correctly

● Let us know if your ISP is known to do malicious traffic shaping (that is, blocking/slowing down BitTorrent and general P2P traffic).

There is no malicious traffic that I can remember

And it does say Network Ok

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- The bandwidth information isn't enough for us to advise what you should limit your upload speed to.

- McAfee might be a bottleneck... I'm not sure if I want to advise this, but if you want to get to the bottom of this, maybe you can try downloading without the firewall (a.k.a. uninstall McAfee firewall -- disabling it won't be the same)

- Describe to us how you portforwarded (for both the firewall and the router)

- Malicious traffic shaping, not malicious traffic ;P What ISP are you using? Is it listed on the first post here?

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I really don't know what the ISP is. I live on residence at university and I just signed up with the university internet, but it's in Canada.

And on second, heh I don't even think I know what portforward means, seeing that I now can't figure how I did it.

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Are you saying peer.lazy_bitfield only works when you have 100% of the file? I thought it affected upload speeds, regardless if you have the full file or not. My reasoning was that if your upload speed sucks, your downloads inevitably are going to suffer too.

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seeds: 2 of 8 connected (0 in swarm)

peers: 5 of 15 connected (0 in swarm)

but as I mentioned before yesterday it was seeders: 6 of 61 connected (56 in swarm) There were also times when 20 were connected.

And I have no idea what any of this means. Is it good or bad?

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Well, that's a very poorly seeded torrent at the moment, and it also seems like the tracker is down since it's showing 0 in the swarm. I wouldn't expect very good speeds with so few seeders connected. If you have NAT error, it also makes it harder to connect to people (can't receive connections or connect to firewalled/NATed peers).

What is tracker status saying?

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