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In Regards To My Previous Problem: Linksys WRT54g v.5 port forwarding.


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As of a few days ago, I had a problem forwarding ports on my Linksys WRT54g. My old thread was located here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=47844

Since then, I have upgraded to DD-WRT on my router. For a while, my connection was really crappy for both computers on the router, so I tweaked around and changed a setting in the control panel. I changed both the TCP and UDP timeouts from 3600 to 90, and my internet seems to be working fine now. I was also able to add the port I use on uTorrent, which is 45682 to the Applications & Gaming section of my interface. It still gives me the yellow light in uTorrent, and my speeds are still ~16kb/sec whereas a few months ago I was soaring well over 100kb/sec.


Either you're forwarding the port to the wrong LAN ip for your computer, your uTorrent is in fact using a DIFFERENT port, or you have another firewall blocking uTorrent.


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