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Keystroke combination to make mu?


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So try pressing 0181 on the numpad without lifting your hand off the keyboard. It's obviously possible, but not without twisting your hand/fingers at least some.

230? Simple. Middle finger on the 2, ring finger on the 3, thumb/index finger on the 0. No fuss, no muss.

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Hard to show over the internet but ...


Ta-daar? LOL, hard to visualise/prove over the internet hehe!

Anyway, you have to use the numeric keypad for BOTH 230 and 0181 combos.

* In response to your edit without double-post:-

Right hand

Thumb = 0

First finger = 1

Middle finger = 8

First finger = 1

230 is "harder" as it doesn't flow the same

First finger = 2

Middle finger = 3

Thumb = 0

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Whatever, you miss the point, and you're picking on an aside.

Edit: Your scheme requires awkward twisting/curling/extending of fingers to press 0181 (I fail to see how it flows better either). No one said either was difficult -- obviously, with such limited range of distance in the numpad keys, difficulty isn't going to be that different. That I don't have to screw my hand up to press 230 (all of my fingers can remain in relatively neutral positions) is enough reason for me to prefer it (indeed, we were talking only of preferences).

Again, this discusison is going off on a VERY silly tangent. I provided an alternative that I preferred, and you nitpicked at it. Seems to me like you were arguing/disagreeing with my post/preference just for the sake of arguing/disagreeing.

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