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i know there been alot alot alot of these topics.. this topic is about no incomming connection problem (the yellow triangel thingy) i tryed so many guides and noone works.. i tryed portforwarding.com and still the same problem.. idk if i do it wrong or something.. mybe i need a more detailed guide or something... =/

i have unchecked the uPnP port mapping

im using router D-LINK Dl 604

do i need to uncheck the NAT-PMP port mapping too???

i still havent putted my connection type in speed guide.. mybe that is the problem??

the most strange thing is.. when i open up my uTorrent there is a yellow triangle but after some time it turns into red circle.. wtf??? so in the end idk what to do.. =/ please help

im using 1.8.1 utorrent.. mybe this update is bad???

ok this is strange.. for about 1 minute i got the green circle but now its again yellow.. wtf will be next???

and what means when there is no triangle or circle?? just empty place?? what it means??

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NAT-PMP needs to be disabled too.

"i still havent putted my connection type in speed guide.. mybe that is the problem??"

Yes, quite likely...when uTorrent overloads your connection, your connection appears to become firewalled at least for a short while.

2nd link in my signature gives alternate settings for uTorrent based on your max upload.

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