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porf forwarding problem netgear wgr611v6


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Hi guys!

My computer is connected to a netgear wgr611v6 router that is connected to a standard conectabox lan modem.

im sudenly getting an error in my utorrent 1.8v that is limiting my download speeds....it says it has a problem that my incoming port isnt forwarded therefore ppl cant connect to me and as a result of this my speed has been efected.

I followed the instructions on http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Netgear/WGR614v6/Utorrent.htm and also put a static ip on my computer but im getting the same mistake....after i forward the port in my router the little icon in utorrent goes green and says my network is ok but only for a short while then it goes to the error message again...

has anyone else had a similar problem?...and if so how did they fix it?



Try upgrading to 1.8.1. If it still doesn't work after that:

after i forward the port in my router the little icon in utorrent goes green and says my network is ok but only for a short while then it goes to the error message again...

Does this happen each time you try to forward? Are you using/trying to use UPnP?


ive used port forwarding before with emule and it worked fine....upnp...eh=? dont even know what that one is....:s

i have version 1.81



Is eMule port forwarding working now? :P

UPnP allows ports to automatically forward, some routers might be buggy with it though and so you should disable it if you are trying to forward manually, Ctrl+P > Connection > uncheck the UPnP and NAT-PMP options at the top left.


the emule one isnt working either....and the funny thing is when it does a test i says testing ip

So are you saying i should activate upnp?....this could be the problem¿?


Are you using different ports for each? Has anything changed in your setup since you forwarded eMule, such as a new ISP, new router, new modem, new software, new computer, re-install of Windows, etc.? What are you using for anti-virus and software firewall?


not really only posible change is the antivirus...I use the standard xp firewall and use avg for antivirus.....i have tried disableing avg and firewall but still now joy...


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