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Can't access Linksys router page


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I am pretty new to using torrents, and am amazed at how it works.

I set up everything per instructions I googled (before I found this site) and have had relatively good upload & download speeds.

I was trying to view my linksys WRT54 router screen, but I can't seem to access it. I know I changed my IP settings, but forgot what the IP address was I entered.

I checked my IP by using whatsmyip.net, ipconfig, and http://checkip.dyndns.org (for my routers ip addy).

I have entered into my browser:

my default gateway shown on ipconfig

IPv4 address

Subnet mask

The page either comes up cant be displayed or a google search result (depending on which set of numbers I enter).

I am running Vista with OEM firewall.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I believe I set a static IP. I changed a number on the end of the ip addy.

This is something I never did before, which is why I am a little confused.

Is there a way to check to see if it is getting it thru DHCP?


in properties for my wireless network, it says DHCP in enabled.

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