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Utorrent light shows as yellow but Im getting decent speeds, whats up?


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What would cause me to get speeds I am used to getting on utorrent but the light stays yellow?

I am on XP sp3, a Linksys wrt54g with DD-WRT v23, and my modem is a speedstream 4200.

I have no firewall turned on right now but usually am behind Windows Firewall.

Speed settings are as follows...


I have my ports forwarded correctly(I believe) but I still cant get the light to go green or for the port checker to say they are open...

The torrent Im downloading says DHT, Local Peer Discovery, and Peer exchange are not allowed

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Thank you very much!

I figured it had to be something with my Speedstream.

Btw, Slackware's torrents download great.

Ok I figured out what was up, it was 254.254 haha....

But heres what happened. I read the guide, it said my first option was to basically set my Speedstream to bridge mode if Im reading it right. Well I did that. Then my connection dropped. The guide said if it did drop to copy my PPPoE info into the appropriate fields in my router. I went ahead and did that and I could not get my connection back. So Im back at square one at this point, with a modem setup with my login info, and my router is set to Automatic(DHCP).

Are the any other fields I need to fill out in my router to get it to work right?

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