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.torrent file icon


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Ok, why does uTorrent now use the same icon for the torrent files as the program?


Previously it always generated this generic file icon:


but now when using the "Associate with .torrent files" button in the settings it changes the file icon to the same as the program has. I mean what kind of logic is that, files and program shouldn't use the same icon.

Only way to get the generic icon back is to remove the uTorrent file association and then uninstall it. Then reinstall and not to use the uTorrent's file association option but just double click torrent file in the windows and choose uTorrent as a program to open .torrent files, then Windows generates the proper icon itself. But that way eventhough uTorrent is now default app for .torrent files it himself doesn't think so because when you have "check association on startup" selected it nags you about making uTorrent default torrent application and the "Associate with torrent files" button is also active in the settings. Using any of those two options will instantly change the icon to the program one.

And I'm aware about custom icons(maindoc.ico) but I don't care about them, I just want this generic one to work like it used to. Or include proprer icon yourself in the installation file.

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if you want the old icon, find the old icon and put it as maindoc.ico.

I would but I guess this generic Windows icon isn't stored anywhere separately. It shows the location as C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll but it's not in there. Does it create it on the fly or whatever... just takes the program icon and slaps it onto the white icon.

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Ah-ha! Now I see. Apologies.. unfortunately I have more of a feeling it uses an overlay. But no searching could find the direct method in the MS KB. The closest I could find is http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms954313.aspx with "file-type" as the search criteria from google ( http://google.com/search?q=site:msdn.microsoft.com+how+to+find+default+icon ).

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