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Not Connecting To Seeds (0/82)


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I am having a issue with utorrent 1.8.1. this is my first time using a torrent file.

personally i think it would be much easier just to download the file. but torrents do have

a CERTAIN APPEAL to them. (cough, illea,cough,gal)

any way i have finished downloading and i waited for it to seed. my eta started at 4hour and now

(4hours later) is blank. i am connected to 17 out of 157 peers. but i have never once connected to

a seed!

i have forward my port and disabled my port fire wall i have not disabled my norton though.

is norton blocking my happiness?

what am i do to to connect to my seeds?

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When you finish downloading you start seeding. http://dessent.net/btfaq/#what and http://utorrent.com/guides.php and even the User Manual have some information in this regard (press F1 with uTorrent open and active).

If the status column in the main torrent pane says "seeding" you will only connect to people who still need to download :)

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