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All torrents disappeared!!! Urgent help required!!!!


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Hio, I've installed the new 1.8.1 version , and performed a reset afterwards.

When the system were on again , I've executed my new uTorrent, it was empty!!!!!

All my torrents gone (both seeding and peering)

When I've checked the destination directory, it was full of my stuff...

The destination directory in the setup is ok...

How can i return my torrent into the client?

Thanks in advance for your time...

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http://utorrent.com/migration_guide.php Unfortunately something about the steps involved reset your resume.dat. If you check %APPDATA%\uTorrent ( http://utorrent.com/faq.php ) for the resume.dat you may find a resume.* file > 1 KiB in size. After you start uT you have one update before the blank resume.dat overwrtes the old resume.dat.old (likely your file with data in it) though it's possible there is a .BAD file in the directory.

In other cases, you need to use the migration guide ... a guide for many torrents with a semi-structured data layout can be found @ http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=287849#p287849

Other questions? ;D

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