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The search engine box convert keywords to UTF-8 url only?


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There are some search engines do not accept utf-8 parameters in url, especially non-English language countries' sites.

For example, like this one:


If you typed "全集" in the search engine box and press enter then, the keyword was about to be converted to this in url:


As a result the keyword was recognized as some other chinese characters "鍏ㄩ泦" by the site, but actually the correct url should be:


So, maybe there should be some parameters which can tell the program how to convert the keyword typed in search engine box to the url, for example like these:

s% - just send what you typed in the box to the url

u% - UTF-8 conversion (now this is default)

a% - ASCII style conversion

U% - Unicode conversion

...and so on.

Thus, we take a format like this to add a search engine:




(the second one convert url to http://search.btchina.net/btsearch.php?query=全集)


Thanks for reply :)

If we got these paramters we can customize a search engine like this


so the extra parameters can be appended after the keywords.

BTW: I was supposed to find an answer in help file before this thread is posted here, but after many 404 came out I found that the help file's url seems dead now……


@wsz123: %s is already implemented in µTorrent for inserting the query in arbitrary locations in the URL. %v gets parsed as the client user agent ID. The only new thing would be to allow user-specified encoding conversions depending on the parameter letter used :P

Regarding the help file... are you referring to the user manual? What's showing up as a 404, the the CHM contents, or the link to the ZIP containing the CHM?


I just tried %s, it dose works, although a small problem there is maybe:


This came out an url:


The result in my browser is correct, just the converted url get me a little confused (too much %... @_@) :P

So... I am glad that the 404 is my ISP's problem, maybe the DNS server was messed up or something, it just came out when I was trying to download the utorrent-help.zip last night, and finally I got this ZIP through a proxy. :D


The % encoding occurs because the URL is passed through search.utorrent.com by default, as you can see. If you don't like that, you can always set gui.bypass_search_redirect to true.


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