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WebGUI Front End Server


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I want one machine to host the webgui.. and access the information/data from the uTorrent client on another machine. I already have a web server that has an external IP, but my uTorrent client is on my workstation that doesn't have an external IP.. It's called a Front End Server..

Thanks for trying to help, but seriously.. am I being that vague.. I don't know how many ways I can explain this..

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I don't know if you're being vague or you just don't know how to explain what you want better. The only way I know of to "proxy" the WebUI is through the php "shell" I mentioned which in the WebUI sticky. Every other front end requires access to the WebUI backend (in uTorrent) through whatever front end you're using. Most people just use a browser as a frontend and access http://user:pass@IP:PORT/gui/ to access the WebUI.

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What you need is called a reverse proxy. This will allow you host the webui of your workstation as a subfolder or subdomain on your webserver.

How to do this in Apache is explained in this thread.

I'm pretty sure IIS itself can't do this because Microsoft considers it beyond it's scope. If you want this functionality you need Microsoft ISA server.

However you could also use the Webui Shell found here (there is IIS instructions in the thread somewhere). You could add your workstation as an instance and simply make a single user with full rights for that instance. You could even use the same username and password as the webui itself.

All links provided in this thread were available in the Everything about thread. Complicated things require much reading, preferably before asking questions :P

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