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Feature Request for Build 13481: Animation / Slideable Info Box


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The slideable info box allows the user to pull it up far more than is needed:



* For views where the extra space is needed, allow the box to be slid up as far as necessary, but when switching to a view that has a static amount of vertical space, automatically slide the box to the appropriate size.

* When switching from the view with the static amount of vertical space, animate to the previously selected vertical size.

* Previously selected vertical size would be the percentage of the overall view that it consumed, not static pixel amounts.

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uTorrent for windows functions the same way. the General/Trackers/Peers/Pieces/Files/Speed/Logger tab have one height that is adjustable. The General/Files/Peers tabs on OS X functions the same way

And all I just said that the ability to change the height is useful in situations where you want to view more peers/files at a time. Having it automatically expand to show everything is bad. What about situations where theres dozens/hundreds of files or peers it would expand to cover torrents completely? Or when switching between torrents. Having the size jump up and down isn't very usable.

In Transmission, it works because you're not constantly adding or hiding torrents every second. But if you have a list of torrents you're scrolling through, it would be really irritating (not knowing where the top is to start looking for example). But Transmission and uTorrent's UI's are very very different so its not nearly a fair comparison.

Unless i completely misunderstood what you meant? which is a possibility i suppose.

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Overall, I'm not sure if that would be an improvement. Those are just tabs that switch between views. I can't recall any other application that would resize the view in such way after switching tabs which means that doing that might go against most people's expectations set by how other programs handle tab switching.

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