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I have erred I ran SpywareStop and now uTorrent won't connect to a port (it works on my laptop with the same port number) I believe that SpywareStop has removed a part of the program and I have been unsuccessful in reinstalling uTorrent


uTorrent has no "parts" to the program which would block a working port. Unless of course this SpywareStop is a firewall, in which case you will have to remove and re-add a rule for uTorrent ON the PORT you selected in Preferences or the Ctrl-G dialog.

Are you running any other security/firewall/AV software


I am run through a Billon type router (7404 not user friendly) which has a firewall built in and it would seem to be where the problem is it's odd that those setting wound change but still work on my laptop (WLAN) I'll keep working on the settings Thanks


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