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I am totally new to Torrent, till now I have just downloaded directly, or with Emule.

I would like to know how to be a good torrent downloader, not a leecher. I use Utorrent, and I would like to know how to reasonably set it to seed in peaceful way, I mean, I do not have Internet at home and I have to go in Internet Points, and I have not much time, so I need to download as fast as I can, but I don't want to take without giving. Which settings do you suggest?

I also would like to know what happens when I move the finished downloads: I generally download an album, then I listen to it, I delete the tracks I don't need, and I keep the ones I need, moving them in another folder, organized in some way...

If I have to leave the whole downloads for much time I will soon get out of space. Suggestions?. I sincerely have not understood very well what I have read in Utorrent online guide.



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Find out what your connection can do, both upload and download speed-wise in uTorrent.

It does neither you nor others to tell uTorrent to upload faster than your line can handle.

2nd link in my signature to determine settings that match your upload.

You may be able to use an alternate upload limit closer to your real upload speed max.

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