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no incoming connections


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First of all thanks for porting uTorrent on the mac. So far I've been using Transmission which has been working fine, but I want to try ut. I don't know what I'm missing but I get the "no incoming connection" message and very slow downloads while they seem to work with Transmission. Some hints on how should I setup ? Of course the firewall is already set to allow UT and I'm using the default port 43848. Thanks.

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UPnP worked faster on uT/Mac than uT for me... forwarding rules work the same in either client. Just depends on which VM i boot up.

You understanding the relevant options in your router setup? If the rule for transmission doesn't work for uT/Mac you likely have a firewall problem on your end... did you forget/make rules for utorrent.app in little snitch or did it auto-block??

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