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Don't Delete Files, but instead place them in the trash


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I'm very angry right now. I spend the last couple hours downloading a 700mb file and foolishly thought that by right clicking and selecting "Delete all files" would just remove the file from µtorrent, but was very unhappy to find the µtorrent had actually deleted the file completely. My request is that that file is instead placed in the trash can so that idiots like me can get them back with they do something dumb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ug. It's more than a feature request, it's a bug. I got bitten by it despite having read this post. It will delete the foremost torrent (the one in focus on the info panel) regardless of which torrent you may be clicking on in the upper file list. I lost 6.7G of hard fought torrent at 99% completion. What a drag :( . I'll try to refrain harping about Apple's user interface guidelines and file deletion since they were probably created before most of you guys were born, but there is nothing that can ruin a day quicker than permanent data loss.

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"right clicking and selecting "Delete all files"......very unhappy to find the µtorrent had actually deleted the file completely."

I can't see how this surprised you or why you would expect something different. I havn't had any problems with the remove/delete functions

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  • 2 weeks later...

And what's even worse than not moving the files to trash, is that if you use the Command-Delete shortcut, the files are just gone forever !

For anyone unfamiliar with OSX shortcuts, Command-Delete moves the files to trash. If you use that shortcut hourly (like I do), using it instead of just Delete (which would be the desired output of my action - delete torrent from list) is a natural mistake. But even if I do that mistake, please allow me to retrieve the files again for trash, instead of having to download the entire torrent again ! I already wasted ~10GB while trying to figure out what happened to my downloads, and just deciding to download again the files (as it's natural for me to use that key-combinating, it didn't even cross my mind what I had done/pressed until I tested all the shortcuts)

An optimal solution would be to allow me to choose the result of some shortcuts, but that won't even be necessary if the files are always "deleted to trash".

Thank you devs, you're doing a great job with uT for mac :)

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