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One of my favorite things about uTorrent PC is that you can hide it in the system tray. I like to hide applications that are essentially background processes, so this feature would be keen.

The Tranmission devs shot me down citing it as outside of their design goals ::eyeroll::, so I hope you all are more open to the consideration, so thanks for that.

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I really do see the practical use of having uTorrent in the Dock or in the Menubar together with Adium, Volume-setting, battery indicator etc. Usually torrent-apps just lie in the background and download, posing not as the main window of interest in ones daily workflow.

I really hope this will be made as an option. Shouldn't be too hard to make?

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If you hide an app, it still shows in the dock. He wants it removed from the dock completely and instead have a Menubar icon to show that the app is running.

Rather then him explaining himself again (when he already explained himself well enough), you should not post if you don't know what you're talking about.

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Simple misunderstanding I'm sure. Thanks though.

It is generally simple to implement. There are applications that can force dock icons to hide... but it's messy and sometimes doesn't work very well. As sighted, many applications use this to great effect. It would be nice to see uTorrent implement this.

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