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Copying Speed


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Hi -

When a torrent has finished, uT moves the complete file across to the user defined seeding folder from the temp folder.

What processor priority is this copying / moving of the file done at please ?

Whenever there is a copy / move which is larger than about 1GB then I have some severe network problems. I think my network card and router cannot handle the amount of data transfer. Both of my temp and my seeding folders are network drives, not on local disks.

If there is an existing way to set the copy / move to a low priority, that would be welcome - particularly if coupled with some form of indicator to tell me how many ongoing copy / moves are pending completion [ but I don't think this functionality exists ].

Is anyone please able to help ?

Many thanks in advance.

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I'm sure the issue is packet loss. However, I am not too sure if packets are being lost because my network drive connections are being 'overloaded' somehow due to too high a priority. However, now that I understand that they are two separate things, I will need to tweak my network adaptors to see if their buffer sizes may be the issue. Thanks

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;) One thing which may help... since it's network, Ctrl-P > Advanced > Disk Cache. What are the settings. Set the size larger, turn off windows cache bypass, turn off write immediately. It should provide more consistent write less random, i.e. better throughput.

Can I ask why you don't have at least TEMP storage local??

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