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port-forwarding issue with no router & firewall exception in place


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I have a brand-new EVDO device courtesy my employer and AT&T. This time, it's got a real live genuine IP address, so my speeds are noticeably better, but I still get a usually-yellow port-indicator icon, and the port-forwarding test fails every time. I have no router. I have my generic WinXP firewall set with an exception to uTorrent. I also tried opening that (non-changing) port number specifically as an exception - no difference. So...what's up with this? (and do I care?)

<bump> what else to do to get a port to forward - Basics: I have no router, and have only WinXP firewall, and it's set to allow uTorrent?

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Thanks for your reply.

I don't imagine there is any router function to the modem, though I could be wrong - it's a the size of a cigarette lighter, an EVDO device, intended for mobility - I think it's this one (though mine is branded by AT&T): http://www.sierrawireless.com/Product/compass_888_889.aspx

When I try run/ipconfig / all, there's a flash of a DOS window that's not up for long enough for me to see - a fraction of a second. I vaguely recall this from some other attempted help session, maybe not on this PC, even. Some workaround for this?


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