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Worked for a week - Now crawling


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New user to the software - Was pegging at 300K and just loving the download speeds.

I was downloading a torrent and watched the speed go from 277K to 5K.

Happened in front of my eyes.

Read all the setup info, did every suggestion I could find in the forums. Nothing works.


My issues seems to be a common issue with a lot of folks in reading the forums.

Have to think it's something else and not me. I can surf the net and fly. So the speed is there.

Anybody have any ideas or suggestions other than what is posted already?

Using Earthlink DSL.


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Does the OpenOffice test torrents (mentioned in 1st link of my signature) also download at very low speeds?

Tell us more about your connection.

How fast is it both down AND up?

What settings are you trying (and seem to be failing) to use in uTorrent?

(Mainly the Speed Guide CTRL+G ones and any advanced settings you may have changed from default values.)

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I ran the speed test 3 times.

Down 2015 kb/s, Up 261 kb/s

Down 1967 kb/s, Up 440 kb/s

Down 1412 kb/s, up 328, kb/s

I am using the 328 kb/s up as my guide for my speed settings.

Up load Limit 35

Connections per torrent 40

max Active torrents 6

Upload slots 4

Connections global 90

Max active downlaods 5 ( I only download 1 torrent at a time)

I have a ZyXEL P-600 ELNK DSL router

I have added my ip address as well as the port for uTorrent into the router in the SUA/NAT Server Set table

Under the Connections section I have enabled UPnP and I have added the windows firewall exception

Under the Bit Torrent options, everything is enabled except for "limit Local Peer BandWith.

I have changed these settings all over the place to see what works and the results are the same.

I can't downlaod faster than 25K on anything.


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