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Port forwarded but unable to download


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uTorrent had been working perfectly for years until about a month ago. Then suddenly, without any personal changes to my computer, I got nothing but red arrows and "DHT:waiting to log in". I had a look at some forum topics and started looking into the whole port forwarding process. I tested my port and it wasnt forwarded properly so I followed all given instructions and, to cut a long story short, is now "OK! Port ##### is open and accepting connections." but still receive red arrows and DHT etc.

I changed all the options -> preferences as follows:

Listening port checked boxes - enable NAT-PMP and windows firewall

No Proxy server (dunno what that is)

max upload 186kb/s

global connections 200

peers per torrent 50

upload slots 8

Enable DHT

Need any more info??

I use windows xp on a laptop on a wireless router - to which I have forwarded the port and allowed the port on the firewall - and also added utorrent and the port to the windows firewall. With the router settings - I didnt know whether to disable the DHCP client or not to have a static IP address as some of the help pages mentioned.

Can someone please help! As a C grade computer user, I think I'm about to bugger my settings up for good.


Definitely in Australia, but my upload rate is ~ 220 kb/s (1.7Mb/s?) according to speedtest.net.

I've changed the max upload from 186 to 176 down to 100 and still no joy. Surely this wouldn't be the problem so do you think I've overlooked something or could my ISP have blocked me altogether? (I did increase my monthly usage account with my ISP the same time this problem started...)


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